iClick Media sees a 16% increase in client's leads with Novocall

Picture of Terrence Sim
Terrence Sim





Digital Marketing

Company size

Over 50 employees

Founded in




Meet iClick Media

iClick Media is an internet marketing company specializing in search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), web design, and web analytics. 

They help companies achieve a highly favorable Return-On-Investment (ROI) through qualitative tracking and reporting, and then mining these data to better enhance overall marketing campaign performances.

iClick Media is a Google AdWords Certified Partner and a Yahoo! Search Marketing Certified Partner.


increase in client’s leads

The Challenge:

Terrence used many different solutions to help his clients. Besides Google Analytics, he used various call tracking software and purchased call tracking numbers.

This resulted in a disarray of tracking methods for different clients, which was more challenging for him to get a holistic view. Buying individual numbers also required extra cost on his clients’ end, especially with the need to purchase new numbers for each marketing campaign. Terrence also found that many call-tracking companies use virtual numbers to mask the actual numbers. 

The Solution:

Terrence and his team uses Novocall’s click-to-call solution to engage with inbound leads, as well as our call tracking solution to track the performance of his clients’ ad campaigns. 

Seamless call tracking

As a digital marketing agency, tracking your clients’ calls and attributing them back to each campaign is extremely important. 

So, Terrence implemented Novocall’s call tracking feature to his clients’ ad campaigns in order to determine if a campaign was performing well. This way, he could properly advise his clients on where they should direct their ad budget. 

Furthermore, as an agent monitoring his clients’ leads, Terrence was able to have a more unified overview of their data. He could track leads from the beginning of their customer journey when they clicked an ad, all the way to when they convert. This streamlined his processes and he was able to easily generate comprehensive reports for his clients.

An increased sales leads for his clients

He shared with us that when doing his routine tracking on Google Analytics for his client, Gold Autoworks, he saw a 16% increase in leads directly from implementing Novocall’s click-to-call widget.

Features such as instant and scheduled callbacks, exit intent pop-ups, and lead routing all helped make this possible.

"After we implemented Novocall, there’s an increase of about 16% in Gold Autowork’s leads, directly attributed to Novocall. And, if you take into consideration the price they are paying for Novocall versus the additional revenue generated, I think it all makes sense. So, that’s how we started to share this with our other customers. We get them excited and get them to come on board."

Wrapping up

While Terrence was simply looking for a platform to help him track calls, Novocall delivered even more value for his clients. We provided comprehensive insights and an unexpected but fully gratifying increase in leads for his clients.

Ready to get started?​

Get started with Novocall’s suite of call management features. Start turning your conversations into conversions.